Foods in Russian
1 - пицца (f) - [pee-tsa] - pizza
2 - хот-дог (m) - [hot-dok] - hot-dog
3 - салат (m) - [salat] - salad
4 - суп (m) - [soop] - soup
5 - гамбургер (m) - [gum-bur-ger] - hamburger
Common fast food in Russian doesn't sound that different from other languages. Pizza is pizza everywhere. So, let's take it easy and learn 5 food items and 5 beverages which you can get in the Russian airport on arrival.

Drinks in Russian
1 - сок (m) - [sock] - juice
2 - вода (f) - [va-dah] - water
3 - кофе (m) - [ko-fye] - coffee
4 - чай (m) - [chai] - tea
5 - лимонад (m) - [limo-nad] - soda/pop
For masculine nouns you need to say: Мне нужен {салат}.
For feminine nouns you need to say: Мне нужна {пицца}.
Feminine nouns usually end with “a”
Let's Practice | Pizza Costs
Let's practice! You have 25 dollars. You bought pizza, coffee and a hotdog. How much do you have left? Watch the video below and practice ordering food in Russian. How quickly you were able to order food? Was it difficult? Post in the comments below or on the YouTube video.
Exercise 1
Look at the menu and answer the questions.
Пицца ------$18
Салат ------$5
1. Сколько стоит пицца?
Пицца стоит восемнадцать долларов.
2. Сколько стоит Хот-Дог?
3. Сколько стоит Суп?
4. Сколько сколько стоит салат?
5. Сколько стоит гамбургер?
You have to do any of above EVERY DAY, to participate.
The ones who complete 30 days challenge, get a special gift from Russian Crash Course. The challenge is for beginners only! All the gifts can be shipped around US. Winners outside US will get 3 - free online classes via SKYPE.
