All words presented below are answering the question WHEN? They are not in their original form. This form is more popular.
Days of the Week
You can make plans with this words.
1 - в понедельник (m) - [v po-nye-dye-l-nik] - on Monday
2 - во вторник (m) - [vo vtor-nik] - on Tuesday
3 - в среду (f) - [v sre-doo] - on Wednesday
4 - в четверг (m) - [v chet-verg] - on Thursday
5 - в пятницу (f) - [v pyat-ni-tsoo] - on Friday
6 - в субботу (f) - [v soob-bo-too] - on Saturday
7 - в воскресенье (n) - [v vos-kres-ye-n-ye] - on Sunday
Time of the day
1 - утром (adv) - [oot-rom] - in the morning
2 - днём (adv) - [d-n-yo-m] - during the day
3 - вечером (adv) - [ve-che-rom] - in the evening
Let's Practice
Let's practice! Watch the video below and practice ordering food in Russian. How quickly you were able to order food? Was it difficult? Post in the comments below or on the YouTube video.
Show us what you learned & win gifts
Did you get it? Was it hard to memorize? Now, to get a gift you have to:
1. Post learned words in blog's comments. or
2. Record an instagram video with the words you learned. Post it with a hashtag #russiancrashcourse. or
3. Record a voice message and send it via instagram private chat.
You have to do any of above EVERY DAY, to participate.
The ones who complete 30 days challenge, get a special gift from Russian Crash Course. The challenge is for beginners only! All the gifts can be shipped around US. Winners outside US will get 3 - free online classes via SKYPE.